Monday, June 23, 2008

"Ancient stones ae everywhere...."

In the garden of the public libraryof Nablus,four Corinthian capitals(meaning the head part of a coloumn) stand majestically as wittnesses of ancient cultures.The Corinthian style coloumns(refering to the Greek city of Corinth) , are characterized by a slender fluted coloumn and an ornate capital decorated with acanthus leaves and scrolls.(click to see details , it's beautiful)
Note the very old floor tiles made from local stones querried from the mountains of Nablus .
The planter on the right is also locally made of cement and gravel.

Photo by Haifa Shawwa

Monday, June 16, 2008

Eid Breakfast Tradition.

Countries have traditions,cities too.
Families of Palestine are no exception. Men in this family,gather around a very early breakfast table, after doing their Eid prayers.
Very traditional dishes are served;Hoummos(Paste-like seasoned chick-peas),Foul,labaneh,Olives, Pickles,Omlettes, and the star of the show :Fseekh(preserved salted fish).
A decade ago, women used to be ready with their mid-day meal from as early as 8.00 or 9.00am, ready to welcome any guest/relative that knocks at their door .
Nowadays only older ladies do this,younger women are gradually withdrawing from such energy and time consuming social activities.(pity!)